As the biggest lake in Russia, Lake Baikal is a popular travel destination and well-known for it's beauty. From serene and calm to stormy and boisterous, Lake Baikal never fails to deliver an amazing view.
Picture yourself standing on a mountain overlooking the world's deepest lake. You see nothing but blue-green water as far as your eyes can see. Now imagine hearing silence; no wind rustling through the trees, no waves crashing against the shore, nothing. You are in a place that feels like it's own micro-climate. There is something serene and calming about this environment that makes you realize how small you really are in contrast to nature.
Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world, and it's one of the most important places for wildlife. It also has a history that goes back to over 20,000 years ago!
Lake Baikal is located in Eastern Siberia, Russia. The water from Lake Baikal feeds into two other major lakes-the Arctic Ocean and Pacific Ocean via rivers Lena River and Angara River respectively. This makes Lake Baikal an important habitat for fish migration routes as well as other animals who depend on clean water sources for survival. There are lots of amazing activities you can engage in at this destination including hiking through forests or along coastlines where wildlife thrives.
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